
Will of William Land, Yeoman, of Horbury 1575-1647
William Land William Land had several children in Ackworth parish in the early 1600s and then moved to Horbury parish about1623. He made his will in 1639 but survived whatever illness he had then and lived until 1647. He was buried on 1st March 1647.
Will of 1639
The will of William Land is as follows:
“In the name of god Amen. The first day of ffebraury in the yeare of our lord God
one thousand six hundreth thirtie and nine. I William Land the elder of Horbury in
the countie of York Yoeman being of many years of age and crasie in bodie but yet
of sound and perfect remembrance & mind (laud and praise be given God for the
same) calleing to mind the brevitie of this mortal fife and knowing that nothing is
more certain than death and nothing more uncertaine then the tyme and houre
of death, doe publish declare ordayne and make this my last will and testament
containing herein my full mind in manner and forme following.
Ffirst and principallie I commend my soule into the hands and custodie of
almightie god my creator assuredly trusting and faith fullie beleeveing through
the onely meritte and bloud shedinge of Jesus Christ the second person in trinitie
by blessed Saviour and redeemer to obtain pardon and remission of all my sinnes
and everlasting life in the Kingdome of heaven after this transitory life be
consummated & ended, and my bodie I comitt to the earth from whence it came
and to be decentlie buried at the discretion of my executrixe hereafter noiated
and the rest of my friends at and in the chappell or chappell yeard of Horbury if
it soe shall please the maiestie of the almightie. And as touching that worldlie
estate that god hath bestowed upon me I dispose of the same as ensueth.
Ffirst it is my will and mind that all my lawfull debts which I owe together with
my fun’all expences and other church duties be paid and discharged forth of my
goods- Item. My will and mind is that whereas Ann now my wife joint purchasor
with me in all that land that wee bought it is my mind that she shall have the
same whether it be of the tenure of freehold or coppiehold according to the
custeme of the manner of Wakefield for and sureing her naturall life.
Item. I give unto William Land my eldest sonne and Valantine Land my second
sonne to either of them twelve pence in full satisfaction of the children porcons,
and whereas I the said William Land hath heretofore given and granted by my
p’sent writeing and confirmed unto my said sonne Valentine Land and to his heirs
for ever, one messuage or tenament in Horbury aforesaid now in the tenure and
occupation of the said Valentine Land or his assignes, upon condicon that the said
Valentine Land his heirs or assignes doe paie or cause to be paid unto the said
William Land and Ann now my wife dureing our naturall life or the longer live of
either of us the sume of fifteen shillings. And likewise paid or cause to be paid
unto Thomas Land my youngest sonne the summe of foure pounds a whole yeare
after the decease of me the said William Land or Ann now my wife That then the
said gift shall be in ure to the said Valentine and to his heirs & assignes for ever,
but if default be made contrarie to the true intent purport and meaning of the
said gift and writing Then my will and mind is that my sonne Thomas Land shall
enter to the said Messuage or tenement with the appurtenance to have and enjoy
the same to his heirs and assignes forever paying unto the said Valentine Land his
executors administrators & assignes the full and inst sume of foure pounds within
a whole year after the decease of me the said Willm or Ann now my wife.
Itm. I will damise and bequeath unto Elizabeth Sparling, Ann Wood and to Sibbell
Land my three daughters either of them twelve pence in full satisffacon of their
childs porsons.
Itm. I give James Land my third sonne five shillings to my fourth
son Cuthbert Land twelve pence and to John Land my fifth sonne twelve pence
and to the said Thomas Land my youngest sonne I give will and bequeath to him
his heirs and assignes for ever The Broad ley close or so much of the same as is
the nature of freehold to have hold possesse and enjoy the said close with all &
singular the appurtenance in Horbury affore said to him his heirs and assignes for
ever after the decease of me the said William and Ann now my wife.
The residue and remainder of all my goods movable and immovable
unbequeathed I give and bequeath the same unto the said Ann Land my loveing
wife and I make and appoint the said Ann (jurat) my said wife sole executrix of
this my p’sent testament and last will.
In Witnesse whereof I have sett to my hand & seale the day and year first
above written.
Sealed signed and published in the p’sence and sight of
Richard Kighley, his R mark, Anne Land, her H mark William Land his (an
upside down “W” with the middle crossed) mark.