Kirklees Cousins now has a YouTube Channel
I’ve been working hard over the last couple of weeks to make some Audio Visual presentations to accompany this website and, so far, there are just two videos.
The first is the story of the events leading to the Battle of Hastings in 1066, where William “The Conqueror” defeated Harold Godwinson to take the throne of England. But who had the right to the English throne? There were actually four claimants! The video explains who they were and how it all came to a head after the death of Edward the Confessor in 1066, as told in the Bayeaux Tapestry. Entitled, the “Grey Apple Tree”, it is about 10 minutes long.
The second presentation is the story of John Michell, who was the Rector of St Michael and All Angels in Thornhill during the mid to late 18th Century. Michell was one of the brightest intellects of the time, a pioneer in the study of astronomy and geology, and he was to associate with some of the greatest men in science, William Herschel, Joseph Priestley, Jan Ingenhousz and Benjamin Franklin. Entitled “Weighing the World”, it’s about 16 minutes long but has loads of history in it. Take break, make a brew and enjoy!
You’ll find a link to the YouTube channel on the main menu and I’ll be adding some shorter AVs in due course, but for now I need a little break!