Hemyngwaye of Southowram Halifax – will extracts
For a full history of this family, please go to Hemingway of the Walterclough.
John Hemyngwaye, parish of Halifax, will proved 8th February 1526 by Elen his widow, Richard and James, sons.
“John Hemyngwaye, of the parishe of Halifax. To be beried with in the churche yerde of Sancte John Baptiste of Halifax. Itm. my best beast for my mortuary as costome is. Also I will that Elene, my wif, haue all my landes duryng hir lyve. And after the decesse of my said wif I yeve unto Ric. Hemyngwaye, my sone, a closse called Jonee Ridynges during his lyve. Itm. to John Hemyngwaye iiij. stones of woll. Residue of all my goodes, not bequeathed then gyven, my dettes and funeral expenses paid and done, I gyve to the said Elene, my wif, Ric. Hemyngwaye, and James Hemyngwaye, my sones, whiche I make my executors. Thies wittenes, Richard Heley, John Stokes, Ric Hemmyngwaye.
Will proved on 8 February 1526, by Elen, relict, Ric., and James, sons. Source: Halifax Parish Wills (Reg.Test. ix 363)”
John Hemyngway of the Walterclough, Southowram, Yeoman, will proved 15th Dec 1587:
“John Hemyngway of the Walterclough desires that his goods should be divided into three parts, of which his wife Anne is to have one part, one other third part he bequeathes to John, Arthure, and Anne, his children, to be divided equally amongst them. Grace, his daughter, is to have 6s. 8d. provided her husband — John Wilkinson– should release to the executors “all manner of demands to my goods”.
Also, the will proceeds, ” I will and devise to the said John Hemingway, Arthur, Michael, Abraham, Richard, Marie, and Anne, my children, all that messuage and tenement, houses, lands, etc. in Southowram, which I, the said testor, occupied in the life of Thomas Hemingway, my late father, deceased, and also, one close of land and pasture called ‘Jony Ridinge’ in Southowram, etc ., for the term of 21 years, at the yearly rent of 8s.
To Marie and Anne, my daughters, either of them a chist.”
All the children, together with the wife, were to be executors of the will, “trusting them lovingly and freely to agree together”.